Next level assessment: advanced plan reading skills for planners and development professionals
Develop your core plan reading skills with hands-on learning in an interactive setting with real world examples.
Ahead of the game.
Stay out front of new trends.
Confidence boost.
Elevate interpretation confidence.
Next level skills.
Develop your plan reading.
Throwing shade: advanced shadow assessment
Develop an advanced understanding of shadows—focusing on the more complex elements, with scenarios and real world examples.
Extend your skillset.
Understand how to analyse and assess shadow studies that form part of a Development Application.
Master the software.
Understand digital shadow planning.
Better assess compliance.
Review current overshadowing scenarios.
ResCode: Decode— advanced Rescode intensive
Develop your ResCode assessment skills with hands-on learning in an interactive setting with real world examples.
Across the detail. Develop an in-depth knowledge of Rescode standards.
Confidence boost. Elevate interpretation confidence.
Next level skills. Develop advanced skills.
Seeing the light: daylight assessment for planners, architects and building designers
Understand how daylight quality is measured, what standards can be used to assess daylight quality and how buildings can be designed to improve daylight quality.
Deeper understanding.
Understand how daylight is measured.
Industry experts.
Daylight engineering, legal and planning expert perspectives.
Confidence boost.
Elevate interpretation confidence.
A test of character: advanced neighbourhood character assessment
Develop the confidence to understand the suite of tools available to provide for the protection of neighbourhood character.
Ahead of the game.
Stay out front of new trends.
Confidence boost.
Elevate interpretation confidence.
Next level skills
Advance your skillset.
Where old meets new: achieving good design in heritage areas
Develop an in depth understanding of how to achieve a good design response that respects heritage significance.
Ahead of the game.
Stay out front of new trends.
Industry experts.
Guidance from experts in heritage and planning.
Confidence boost.
Elevate interpretation confidence.
See our training calendar for dates and times of new courses.
You'll be inspired by what you can do.

Strengthen your foundational knowledge.

Develop and evolve your skills and specialties.

Build confidence and greater trust amongst teams.

Advance your planning career and get more job-ready.