Course Description
Just what is relevant to making a decision as a council planner or reviewing an application as a referral authority? What is a valid consideration in your assessment? This half day program simplifies the architecture of the Victoria Planning Provisions to provide statutory planners with the toolkit to demonstrate confidence in assessing planning permit applications.
The program will consider:
- The parameters for making planning decisions.
- Understanding decision guidelines.
- When and how to exercise discretion.
- Techniques for producing desired outcomes in decisionmaking.
- What matters might be invalid to planning considerations.
- Drafting effective conditions and refusal grounds.
Learning objectives:
- Understand the administrative law principles as they relate to decision making.
- Learn how to balance competing objectives in favour of net community benefit.
- Know what is within the ambit of discretion when making a
decision. - Apply the principles to challenging case studies.
Matthew Gilbertson
Senior Associate, Glossop Town Planning
John Rantino
Partner, Public Law Maddocks Lawyers
Participant numbers are limited to 30 so don't miss out.
To register your place or further information