Advertising Signs

Outdoor advertising is a feature of all urban areas. In this informative one hour webinar, we will work through the various categories of advertising signage, the operation of Clause 52.05 and discuss emerging technologies and their relevance to planning assessment. 

We have answered some un-answered questions from the webinar here!

1. It was mentioned that business identifications signs contains some promotional signage….in a situation like that, can we consider the small component as ancillary to the main component?

There is no ancillary component to signs. A property can display multiple signs and each sign’s individual characteristics must be assessed based on the information it displays. It follows that the land may have both business identification and promotional signs. 

2. My query is in regards to business identification signage in a Farming Zone associated with an existing winery use. Council have received an application for a business identification sign that is proposed to exceed 3 square metres. The proposed sign will not be visible to adjoining land parcels. Council are, in principle, supportive of the application however the proposed sign is technically prohibited in accordance with Clause 52.05-14 Category 4 – sensitive areas of the Northern Grampians Planning Scheme. How is Council able to approve this sign? 

Unless you can find an exemption at Clause 52.05-10, you have a problem!

3. What are your thoughts on the prevalence of human-scale electronic signage in Melbourne? e.g. the new Telstra phone booth electronic panels.

For bus and tram shelter signs (for instance), there is a connection between providing / maintaining shelters and signage, which can result in a net community benefit. The visual impact of these signs is typically fairly confined, but still, the locational principles on Clause 52.05 apply. for instance, you might not put one in front of a significant heritage building (or else limit or redirect it).

4. When assessing an application for signage should i request luminance details or an illuminance details? 

It depends on the sign and the context. However, i would say that you get may need report from a qualified lighting engineer on the lighting output of the sign and its impact on nearby sensitive receptors.

Clause 52.05’s application material requires lux levels for illuminated signs, but that only addresses the lighting level at the face of the sign (illuminance) and not the perception of that light by an individual at a certain distance from a sign (luminance). In circumstances where the sign is in proximity to residential properties or is along a main road, an understanding of luminance is just as important as illuminance, so that the impact can be understood. 
A report from a qualified lighting engineer should generally address both.